Do You Think If I Beat This Horse Enough It’ll Actually Die?

This piece on racist spite fic – sparked by someone writing thousands of words of such to get back at “antis” in the MDZS fandom after a BNF requested and then received racist threadfic – is getting clicks again and I know why.

It’s because, as is the case when racists in fandom do something racist… they never get the same consequences or pushback as people like me calling out racism or just speaking about it mildly. So people are finding out that the two people involved did this racist thing and then a third person did a more racist thing. Two years later. Because BNFs can do no wrong. Obviously.

But this isn’t the point of the audiopost, not fully.

Although, I will say it’s wild to see people who actively participate (present tense) in harassing, mocking, and punishing me for talking about racism in any fandom speak out against “hunting” people across the internet and out of fandom after they continue to do just that to me,

The point of this audio post is the horse I’m beating.

It’s the “you guys need to leave me out of your shit” of it all.

Especially because it’s not like you’re sharing my work with people who will read it in good faith or like you’re defending me at the risk of your own reputation and relationships. The vast majority of people who share my work do so knowing the people they’re linking it to will say awful shit about me. The majority of the people who invoke my name as some fandom spectre of anti racism do so knowing that they’re speaking to people who have a messed up mythology of me in their minds.

And honestly?

You all know the company you keep.

Keep me out of it!

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