Fandom Racism 201: Introduction

Starting soon, we’re leveling up to Fandom Racism 201.

The goal of what I’ve been privately calling my “school series” is to constantly level up and look at different fandoms, experiences, and displays of racism in fandom/fanworks.

Fandom Racism 101 is about general fandom experience linked with racism. So far, we’ve covered fandom fragility, the empathy gap, dealing with trolls, and body politics. While there’s more to cover for Fandom Racism 101 – we’ve got about 5-7 more pieces planned so far with commissioned guest pieces in the works – it’s time to move to the next level.

What’s the next level?

Looking at specific fandoms and talking about the facts of racism in those fandoms/their most popular fanworks. Incorporating screenshots and posts from people who were in the thick of it alongside theory and practical advice, Fandom Racism 201 aims to provide a framework for future understandings of where those fandoms went wrong and basic advice on how to avoid those particular pitfalls on your way through to other fandoms.

As with everything else I do: if you’re interested in writing about your fandom (past or present) for Fandom Racism 201,  feel free to send me a message on my contact form or in my DMs on my website’s Twitter so we can figure something out and I can commission work from you!

Class is in session this summer!

I’m looking forward to schooling y’all.